v1.22 March 14, 2025

Supercharged product analytics, smarter search, streamlined workflows, and more!

1. Product Analytics: Cleaner and more powerful

Product Analytics: Cleaner and more powerful

We've completely revamped our product analytics suite. Timeseries is now Trends, and Path Analysis is now Journeys. Along with Funnels, each tool has new charts to help you see your data more clearly.

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2. New ways to see your data

New ways to see your data

Your cards visualization options are more flexible now. Trends lets you break down information by minute, hour, day, or week. Funnels can display as bars or columns to match how you think about your conversion paths. We've made Journeys cleaner by grouping smaller paths together.

3. Search: Split into two clear parts

Search: Split into two clear parts

Using Omnisearch used to mean scrolling through one long list. Now you have two simple menus: Events and Filters. Now you can quickly locate Autocaptured events, Custom events, and DevTools events in one tab, while easily filtering by sessions, issues, users, and metadata in another.

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4. Meet Highlights: A better way of Notes

Meet Highlights: A better way of Notes

We're introducing a better way to taking notes in your session replays. Highlights lets you save whole portions of session replays with notes and easily share these moments with your team to quickly address issues or inform design improvements.

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5. Project setup: Faster and simpler

Project setup: Faster and simpler

Setting up projects is now more intuitive than ever. We've redesigned the entire flow and added the ability to manage metadata and tags right where you need them.

6. OpenReplay speaks your language

OpenReplay speaks your language

OpenReplay now supports French, Russian, Spanish, and Chinese. Work in the language that feels most comfortable for you and your team.

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