Securing Your Data at Every Step

Trust and transparency drive every aspect of OpenReplay's commitment to secure your data.
Data Governance
Our SOC 2 compliant systems and GDPR-Ready privacy measures prioritize your data's security and confidentiality.
Access and Authentication
Access and Authentication
With SSO supported authentication, and RBAC integration we streamline secure access to sensitive data.
Transparency and Control
Transparency and Control
Data sanitizing tools and audit logs offer a transparent overview of data transactions, coupled with data erasure support.
Sensitive data sanitizing

Protect sensitive data with data sanitizing tools

Sensitive data requires the highest protection. We use advanced data sanitizing tools to ensure that sensitive information is anonymized, balancing data utility with privacy and security.
Sanitize web application data (JS)
Sanitize iOS app data
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SOC 2 and GDPR

SOC 2 Compliance and
GDPR Adherence

OpenReplay ensures data security with SOC 2 Type 2 compliance and GDPR measures, safeguarding your information with a strong commitment to privacy. Businesses looking for a deeper commitment to transparency can request our audit report cotnacting us.

Single Sign-On (SSO) and Role Base Access Controls (RBAC)

Leverage our integrated SSO and RBAC for efficient, role-specific access control, ensuring secure and streamlined user authentication while safeguarding sensitive data.
Learn SSO integration
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Performance Monitoring

Audit logs for accountability

Maintain transparency and security with comprehensive audit logs. OpenReplay's audit logs provide a detailed account of system activities, helping you track user actions and system changes, crucial for security audits and compliance.

Secure Data Deletion

OpenReplay ensures the privacy of your users by honoring data deletion requests, often within 24 hours. Simply contact us to initiate the process.

Learn what really gets captured inside session replays

Explore our detailed guide on what data gets captured, how we ensure your privacy, comply with regulations, and uphold data ownership.
Learn more about data capture