What's New
Stay ahead of the curve! discover the latest features of OpenReplay.
v1.21 Nov 19th, 2024
Dynatrace Connector
- Sync backend logs from Dynatrace with session recordings and get the full context
- Redesigned the WebSockets panel for better readability
- (Spot) Capture network response payload and support of GraphQL
- Reworked the queries behind Funnels making it faster to build
v1.20 Sep 11th, 2024
Introducing Spot
- Introducing Spot, the fastest way to record bugs directly from your browser
- Ability to aggregate results by unique users in different cards
- Show the top 10 results for each event/filter making search faster
- Filter sessions by click using CSS selectors
v1.19 Jul 10th, 2024
Introducing Heatmaps
- Introducing Heatmaps for tracking user clicks and frustrations
- Support of cross-domain iFrames
- Full revamp of dashboards and cards for a better experience
- Improved canvas recording and rendering logic
- Support of jetpack compose in Android
v1.18 May 31st, 2024
Support for Android and React Native
- Support for Android and React Native apps for replaying mobile sessions with full-fledged DevTools
- Limit the number of recorded sessions by capturing only those that meet certain conditions
- Introducing S3, Elastic and OpenSearch data connectors
- View tabs that were closed by the user during a multi-tab session
- Improved the canvas pipeline by getting rid of videos (ffmpeg) therefore reducing CPU and storage
v1.17 Jan 26th, 2024
Tag & Watch Elements
- Tag a particular element in your web app and search for sessions where it’s been displayed
- Ability to capture and troubleshoot websocket messages
- Record sessions even when your web app is offline
- (iOS) Support of network payloads in DevTools
v1.16 Dec 12th, 2023
Introducing Usability Tests
- Support of Canvas elements in session replay as well as in co-browsing
- Conduct usability tests efficiently and gain valuable insights into user behavior to improve UX
- Use of the Zstandard compression algorithm for storing recordings
- Made the DevTools panel resizebale
v1.15 Nov 13th, 2023
Mobile Support
- Support for iOS native and React Native apps for replaying sessions with DevTools
- Introducing Path Analysis to visualize user journeys
- Support of Docker Compose
v1.14 July 11th, 2023
Feature Flags
- Introducing feature flags for gradual releases and A/B testing
- Improved the rendering performance in replayer
v1.13 June 16th, 2023
Multi-tab Support
- Support of tabbed browsing by grouping multi-tab sessions into a single recording
- Geolocation became a bit more accurate with state/city
v1.12 May 6th, 2023
Tracker and Replayer Improvements
- Detection of new frustrations like crashes and text selection
- Show a trail with each mouse movement
- Made jumps in replayer 5x faster
- Reduced the size of recordings by 30%
- Support of compression on big messages to reduce bandwidth usage
v1.11 Mar 31, 2023
New Heuristics and DevOps Features
- Detection of new frustrations like mouse thrashing, click hesitation and input hesitation
- Introducing a health status widget to ease troubleshooting
- Automated the data cleanup process via the CLI
v1.10 Feb 28, 2023
New Analytics, Assist and DevOps Features
- New insights and Click Map cards for dashboards
- Support of MS Teams for sharing replays and notes
- Ability to record co-browsing sessions for training purposes
- Enabled multi-view mode for watching up to 4 live sessions at once
- New CLI to ease the setup/update/troubleshooting operations